Career Program For Veterans With VA Tuition Assistance
VA Tuition Assistance Program
Veteran Tuition Assistance – Veterans have put their lives on the line to protect our country. After coming home, some have trouble finding an adequate career. That is why Veteran Adjusting School has created a vocational training program geared toward training vets in CAT or catastrophic insurance adjusting. With over 95% job placement and VA tuition assistance under the 9/11 GI Bill ® , VAS has a track record of putting veterans to work in the CAT adjusting career field.
What is CAT Adjusting?
Tuition For Vets
Catastrophic insurance adjusters are deployed to a region that has been affected by a catastrophic event (hurricane, flood, wildfire, hailstorm, etc.). These CAT adjusters are independently contracted by insurance agencies and independent firms to perform inspections for the insurance company policy holders. They assess the damage in order to get these customers the compensation they are entitled to under their policy.
Some of the benefits to a career in the catastrophic insurance adjusting field include:
- High earning potential – As CAT adjusters are paid per claim closed, there is a very high earning potential for hard-working adjusters. In fact, a common phrase among catastrophic adjusters is, “Make 6 figures in 6 months.”
- Vacation time – CAT adjusters generally only work during the storm season which typically lasts from 6 to 9 months a year. This leaves plenty of vacation time to enjoy the fruits of their labors.
- Helping people – After a catastrophic event, the people who have been affected are in need of compensation to rebuild. Catastrophe adjusters are able to help them get that compensation.
Why Veterans Are Perfect CAT Adjusters
Tuition For Vets
There are certain characteristics an adjuster must possess in order to have success in the CAT adjusting field. They must be hard-working, organized, self-motivated, and dedicated. These traits are quite common among veterans as they have gone through the training and rigors of the military experience.
A rewarding career in CAT adjusting is not for everyone. Do you have what it takes?