VA-Approved Vocational Program
VA-Approved Vocational Program
Are you a veteran looking for the right VA-approved vocational program that will actually get you working? Then you might want to consider a VA-approved school with a 100% graduation rate and over 95% job placement. (VAS) Veteran Adjusting School is a 6-week vocational training program that has 18 insurance partners that believe so much in the program, they hire VAS graduates right out of school. The VAS training program was designed for veterans and is VA-approved for veteran tuition assistance under the 9/11 GI Bill ®.
CAT Adjusting
VAS trains its students in catastrophe or CAT adjusting. CAT adjusters are insurance adjusters that are deployed by insurance agencies to catastrophic events (hurricane, flood, wildfire, etc.) in order to assess how much compensation their customers are entitled to under their policy. The adjusters will spend weeks to months at a time in the affected region performing inspections.
CAT adjusters are usually self-employed and are contracted out to perform these inspections. Hard-working adjusters have a very high earning potential since they are paid per claim closed. In fact, a common phrase in adjusting is “Make 6 figures in 6 months.” However, a typical CAT adjuster will average between $70k – $100k in 6 – 9 months during the storm season. This leaves 3 – 6 months of vacation time.
VAS Program
The VAS program includes:
- 30 Adjuster Subjects Taught
- 30 Real World Claims
- Xactimate Level 2 Training
- Mentorship
- Hands-on Adjuster Training
- Laptop & Tools
- And More!
The VAS 6-week course teaches Xactimate software that is used in the industry and will have you ready to perform quality claim inspections right out of school. The mentorship program extends after graduation to help the graduate work through their initial claims.
The storm simulations also give the students a hands-on experience with situations that they may encounter in the adjusting field. These situations help the students gain insight from instructors with real life experience of the claims adjusting process.
This can be a very rewarding career. However, it is not not for everyone. A successful CAT adjuster will need to be hard-working, organized, dedicated, and self-motivated. Do you have what it takes?