By Guy Grand

Insurance Adjusting Vocational School


Insurance Adjusting Vocational School

If you are interested in becoming an insurance adjuster, you might be looking for an insurance adjusting vocational school. An insurance adjusting school provides the training and certifications necessary to make proper inspections and estimates in the insurance adjusting field.

Only one adjusting school can boast that it is VA approved for tuition assistance for veterans under the 9/11 GI Bill ®. That is the same school that can boast over 95% job placement rate. It just so happens to be the same adjusting school with an extensive mentorship program that can boast a 100% graduation rate.

(VAS) Veteran Adjusting School

Veteran Adjusting School is a licensed insurance adjusting vocational school that specializes in (CAT) catastrophe adjusting. VAS has 18 insurance industry partners that hire their students right out of school. This is because the training at VAS is so comprehensive that each student is field-ready after the intense 6-week program. Students also have the assistance of a mentorship program that reaches past graduation and into the field.

What Is CAT Adjusting?

When an area is hit by a hail-storm, flood, hurricane, or other catastrophic event, insurance agencies will deploy CAT adjusters to the storm event to assess how much compensation their customers are entitled to under their insurance policy. They will typically spend weeks to months at a time in the affected region taking care of the policyholders.

CAT adjusters are self-employed and are independently contracted by insurance agencies and IA firms. They are paid per claim closed which is why CAT adjusting has such a high earning potential for motivated adjusters. CAT adjusters typically make between $70k-$100k in 6 – 9  months during the storm season. This leaves plenty of time off for vacations.

What It Takes To Succeed

In order to have real success in the field you must be organized, hard-working, self-motivated, and dedicated. Although it is a very rewarding career, catastrophe adjusters have an obligation to the policyholders and the agencies they represent to provide quality inspections in a timely manner. CAT adjusting isn’t for everyone. Do you have what it takes?


By Guy Grand

Veteran School With Job Placement


Veteran School With Job Placement

If you are a veteran of the armed forces looking for a veteran school with job placement, consider taking advantage of your VA benefits at (VAS) Veteran Adjusting School. VAS is a catastrophe insurance adjuster training school that is VA approved for veteran tuition assistance under the 9/11 GI Bill ®.

Veteran Job Placement

VAS has 18 insurance partners that believe so much in the VAS program that they hire VAS students right out of school. This is why VAS has over a 95% job placement rate for their graduates. When students leave the 6-week program they are completely ready to be in the field as successful (CAT) catastrophe adjusters.

What Is CAT Adjusting?

CAT adjusters are insurance adjusters that are deployed to catastrophic events to assess the damages for insurance policyholders. They will go to the storm event (hail storm, flood, hurricane, etc.) and calculate how much compensation the insured customers are entitled to under their policy. VAS focuses on CAT adjusting because it is a very rewarding career.

Why CAT Adjusting?

CAT adjusters are self-employed and independently contracted by insurance agencies and IA firms to perform inspections. They also have a high earning potential since they are paid per claim closed. CAT adjusters typically average between $70k-$100k in 6-9 months during the storm season. CAT adjusters also have a rewarding career as they help people that are in need of compensation to put their lives back together. With the high pay also comes plenty of time off with 3-6 months vacation to enjoy their hard earned income.

Why are Vets Perfect CAT Adjusters?

CAT adjusting is not an easy career. It takes hard-work, dedication, self-motivation, and organization as adjusters spend weeks to months at a time at the storm site performing inspections. These are characteristics that are typically ingrained into a veteran of the armed forces. This fact along with the VA benefits for schooling makes CAT adjusting a fantastic career option for veterans.

Although VAS is the ideal veteran school with job placement, CAT adjusting isn’t for everyone. The reason VAS has such a high success rate is because they only enroll focused, dedicated, committed students. Do you have what it takes?

By Guy Grand

Trade School For Insurance Adjusting

Trade School For Insurance Adjusting

Are you looking for the right trade school for insurance adjusting? Then consider (VAS) Veteran Adjusting School. VAS is a trade school for insurance adjusting that has 100% graduation rate and over 96% job placement rate. People that graduate from VAS have the training and skills to work as an independent catastrophe insurance adjuster, day claims adjuster, or directly for an insurance agency as a staff adjuster. Veteran Adjusting School focuses on CAT or catastrophe insurance adjusting, as it is more difficult to be trained in yet it can be a more lucrative and rewarding career.

VAS Partners

One thing that makes Veteran Adjusting school the best trade school for insurance adjusting is the high job placement rate. This is because VAS has over 15 insurance partners that hire VAS graduates right out of school. VAS partners trust the comprehensive, hands-on training that students receive during this 6 week program.

What Is CAT Adjusting

When a catastrophic event (hurricane, hail storm, wildfire, flood, etc.) occurs, insurance agencies and IA Firms will send out CAT adjusters to the affected region to assess how much compensation the insured customers are entitled to under their policy. They will spend weeks to months at a time at the storm site.

Benefits to CAT Adjusting

  • Self Employed – As a CAT adjuster you are contracted out by insurance agencies and are your own boss.
  • High Earning Potential – CAT adjusters are paid per claim closed. This allows for a very high earning potential. CAT adjusters typically average between $70k – $100k in 6 – 9 months during the storm season.
  • Vacation Time – CAT adjusters typically only work 6-9 months a year. This means that they can enjoy 3-6 months of vacation time.
  • Helping People In Need – After the catastrophic event hits, people are in desperate need. Getting their compensation helps them put their lives back together.

CAT Adjuster Traits

Although it is a very rewarding career, catastrophe adjusting is not for everyone. It takes hard work, dedication, organization, and self-motivation in order to be a successful CAT adjuster. Do you have what it takes?

By Guy Grand

Find Your New Career In CAT Adjusting

Find Your New Career In CAT Adjusting

Wondering what job is the right one for you? Then you may want to consider a new career in CAT adjusting. Catastrophic insurance adjusters are a special type of adjuster that are independently contracted and deployed to catastrophic events (hurricane, wildfire, hailstorm, flood, etc.). They will spend weeks to months at a time in the affected region estimating how much compensation the insured customers are entitled to under their policy.


Since they are usually contracted by IA firms and insurance companies, catastrophic adjusters are their own bosses and make their own hours. However, successful adjusters typically work as much as possible as they are paid per claim that they close. This is also why there is such a very high earning potential in the CAT adjusting field. A good adjuster will generally earn $70k – $100k in 6 – 9 months during the storm season.

Characteristics to Succeed

In order to be able to excel in this career field, you must be hardworking, organized, self-motivated, and dedicated. Although it is a high-paying career, you will have to work hard to earn it. Along with being very rewarding, CAT adjusting requires physical and mental endurance.

CAT  Adjuster Training

(VAS) Veteran Adjusting School is a catastrophe adjuster training school with a 100% graduation rate and over 96% job placement rate. Why is VAS so successful? 2 reasons:

  1. VAS is looking for commitment, not students. VAS instructors worked in the field and know what it takes to succeed. That is why they only accept students that are dedicated to succeed.
  2. VAS has over 15 insurance agency partners that trust so much in this training program that they hire VAS students right out of school.


After reading this, you might want to further explore a new career in CAT adjusting. Click the button below to contact VAS and see if you have what it takes to succeed as a catastrophic adjuster.

School For Vets - 96% Job Placement

By Guy Grand

Trade School For Veterans

Trade School For Veterans

Are you a veteran of the armed forces looking for the perfect trade school for veterans? Then you might want to check out (VAS) Veteran Adjusting School. At VAS, you will thoroughly learn the rewarding career of catastrophic (CAT) insurance adjusting. With 100% graduation rate and over 96% job placement rate, VAS is VA approved for veteran tuition assistance under the 9/11 GI Bill ® .

What is CAT Adjusting?

Catastrophic adjusters are sent by insurance agencies into catastrophic events (hurricane, flood, wildfire, hailstorm, etc.) to assess the damages for their insured customers. The adjuster will estimate how much compensation the insured customers are entitled to under their policy.

Some of the benefits to CAT adjusting include:

  • Helping people– The job requires you to make sure that people are getting the compensation they desperately need in their time of crisis.


  • High Earning Potential– CAT adjusters are paid per claim closed which means that there is a very high earning potential. In fact, a common phrase among CAT adjusters is, “Make 6 figures in 6 months.”


  • Vacation Time– Catastrophic adjusters typically only work for 6 to 9 months during the storm season. This means you have plenty of time off to enjoy your hard earned income.

Why Vets Make Great CAT Adjusters

A successful catastrophic insurance adjuster will be hard-working, organized, self-motivated, and dedicated. These traits that are common among veterans will come in handy as CAT adjusters are typically deployed to a storm event region for weeks to months at a time.

Perfect Trade School For Veterans

As mentioned above, VAS is the only fully licensed catastrophic adjusting trade school that is VA approved for veteran tuition assistance. Although VAS has many non-veteran graduates, the school was built specifically as a trade school for veterans.

VAS Insurance Partner’s

VAS has such a good reputation of turning out quality CAT adjusters that it has partnered with over 15 insurance agencies that hire VAS graduates right out of school. This is why the trade school has such a high job placement rate.

Catastrophic insurance adjusting is not an easy career field, but it is rewarding. Do you have what it takes?


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Veteran School With Job Placement
Find Your New Career In CAT Adjusting
School For Vets - 96% Job Placement
Trade School For Veterans