Trade School With VA Tuition Assistance
Are you a veteran of the armed forces that is looking for a trade school with VA tuition assistance? Under the 9/11 GI Bill ®, United States veterans can utilize this program with approved schools for VA tuition assistance.
(VAS) Veteran Adjusting School is an insurance adjuster trade school that is approved for VA tuition assistance. VAS has a 100% graduation rate and over 96% job placement rate. These graduates are now working for the 15 VAS insurance partners throughout the country.
VAS provides a very thorough adjuster training program that will turn you into a field-ready adjuster. After this 6-week program, you will be able to perform any type of adjusting from day claim adjusting to catastrophic adjusting. However, VAS concentrates on CAT (catastrophic) insurance adjusting because it is rewarding and has a higher earning potential. In fact, the earning potential is so high that a common phrase among CAT adjusters is, “Earn 6 figures in 6 months.”
What Is CAT Adjusting?
Whenever a catastrophic event (like a hurricane, flood, wildfire, etc.) affects a region, insurance agencies send out CAT adjusters to assess the damages for their customers. The CAT adjusters will estimate how much compensation the insured customer is entitled to under their policy.
Why Are Veterans Perfect For CAT Adjusting?
After the catastrophic event hits, the CAT adjuster is deployed to a certain region for weeks to months at a time. They are independently contracted by the insurance agencies and are required to make their own hours. The adjuster will be paid per claim closed. This is why there is such a high earning potential.
The CAT adjusting field also requires the adjuster to be self-motivated, organized, hard-working and dedicated. Veterans tend to encompass these characteristics as these traits are ingrained into them by the military. This is not an easy career but it is highly rewarding for those that are able to function with these characteristics in the catastrophic environment. Do you have what it takes?